Elementary School Information
Why Catholic education?
An elementary education at a Catholic school engages children at an important formative time in their lives. They are learning information, but it is much more than that. They are learning about themselves, about their place and purpose in the world, and about their obligations to others. Catholic school stands out as a place that addresses all of the relevant aspects of a young person’s life. A Catholic school’s broad charter allows us to ‘educate the whole person’, in mind, in body and in spirit. It is a difference that creates an advantage for their entire life.

The Four Pillars
Under the Morning Star Initiative plan, investments have been made in the
“Four Pillars” aimed at revitalizing Catholic elementary schools on Long Island.

Robustly Catholic Culture
Our Catholic schools cultivate a robustly Catholic culture centered on the spiritual, intellectual, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church.

Safe & Supportive Community
Our Catholic schools provide a safe and supportive community that recognizes the dignity of every person and promotes human flourishing in a familial atmosphere.

Academic Excellence
Our Catholic schools offer academic excellence, which fosters individual growth and development according to time-tested, Catholic faith-based models of teaching and learning.

Here to stay!
Revitalizing Catholic education to meet the changing needs of our community.